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- ZEISS Car Body Solutions

ZEISS Car Body Solutions. Metrology goes in-line
ZEISS and GOM work together on a milestone for highly efficient production of car manufacturers

Absolutely in-line
Conventional in-line measuring systems in the automotive industry currently monitor the production process and provide production plant operators with trends regarding process stability and quality. Due to changing environmental conditions on the line such as temperature differences, correlation measurements must be carried out at regular intervals with metrology instruments in a dedicated measuring room. This process takes time and adds expense. With the new solutions from ZEISS and GOM, these time-consuming correlation measurements can be eliminated. In addition, production process control and quality assurance tasks can be combined in one system and provide reliable and meaningful measurement data beginning with the first part. This enables plant operators to monitor both the production processes and the quality of the manufactured body components.

ZEISS AICell trace
With the ZEISS AICell trace, features such as bolts, holes and edges can be measured directly in the line in fractions of a second. The ZEISS AIMax cloud 3D sensor, with its high precision and speed, enables the inspection of the quality-relevant features required for inline process control in production. As a result of the new tracking technology of the ZEISS AICell trace, which records the sensor position of the ZEISS AIMax cloud on the robot arm with high accuracy regardless of temperature influences, time-consuming correlation measurements with coordinate measuring machines in a dedicated measuring room are no longer necessary. This means that reliable, traceable measurement and test data are available from the first component produced during production start-up.
In the production cycle, 100% inspection of up to 80 relevant characteristics required for inline process control is possible, and up to 300 metrologically relevant characteristics can be measured on a rotational basis for a car underbody. This results in a much higher measuring frequency for quality assurance and much higher accuracy for process control.

After this feature measurement, robot-guided ATOS 5X sensors from GOM digitize the complete vehicle body - from above, below, from the side, as well as from the inside. The highly flexible sensor positioning is achieved by the 8-axis kinematics developed by GOM. This consists of a combination of linear axis, vertical stroke and articulated arm robot with integrated cable routing. With each scan, the sensors provide 3D coordinates distributed over a range. A single measurement consists of up to 12 million 3D measuring points. The result is the complete digitization of the body-in-white: a so-called digital twin. From the planar measurement data, the GOM software automatically derives deviations between the digital twin and the CAD data. To evaluate flush and gap, digitized doors and flaps can be virtually installed in the digital twin of the body-in-white.
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